I learned Nasal Release Technique from Cindy Stein Houck last year. I have incorporated it with the cranial work that I already perform as a chiropractor and have gotten great results! I have found it to be particularly helpful with post concussive symptoms and headaches, especially when there has been an outside-in trauma to the head.
One woman I worked with suffered a concussion and was told she would take 2-3 months to heal. With 3 visits of Nasal Release Technique over a 2 week period of time, her concussion symptoms were gone.
I performed Nasal Release Technique with another woman who had been in a car accident 6 months prior. During the accident, she flew up and forcefully hit her head on the ceiling of the car. She was under chiropractic care in our office. Although her other symptoms were resolving with our care, she was not seeing much change with her headaches. One session of Nasal Release Technique took her constant 8 out of 10 headache to an intermittent 2 out of 10. She had been suffering for months. With follow up visits, she has been virtually headache free.
Cindy is a very passionate and proficient instructor. She has a wealth of information from her years of training and practice as a physical therapist and craniosacral therapy therapist. Thank you, Cindy, for introducing me to such a powerful technique!
This was one of the most enlightening seminars I have attended. I left feeling clarity in how I am doing the procedure, certainty in why I am doing it, confident in how I am doing it. This was a meat and potatoes informational, no fluff event. Thank you Cynthia for your time, energy and expertise
Cindy is a wonderful teacher and caring healer. It was a pleasure to host a day of training on April 2, 2016 for her!
I just had the pleasure of hosting a nasal release seminar at my office on March 6, 2016. Cynthia was a great teacher. We had a good mix of doctors of Chiropractors and PT’s. Everyone was worked on including some of our patients. We all had positive results and impressed with the work. I am glad I got to be a teacher assistant can’t wait for the next seminar
I want to say that I am very pleased with the Sunday March 6, 2016 class on Nasal release. I came away with practical skills and a deep understanding of the material. Cynthia had a fantastic demeanor, a ton of patients and a wealth of knowledge and passion for the subject. I learned more than I had expected and found realistic ways to blend the techniques into my practice. Generous with her knowledge, Cynthia made sure to reach every student at their level and give us personalized instruction. Also, as a bonus I am breathing much better! Thank you again for your work, Cynthia
I took this class March 6, 2016, Nasal Release Technique with Cindy. We had lots of hands on which is the only way to improve your technique. Cindy is experienced and patient. I feel confident that I can effectively do this technique on anyone including myself. I am looking forward to her next seminar
Cynthia was great in teaching this technique. I can see how it will really help my head and neck TMJ physical therapy patients. I am so happy to have this tool in my toolbox and recommend it to anyone treating head symptoms. Thank you for your time and dedication
Thank you Cynthia for teaching this incredible, specialized technique. I signed up to learn endonasal technique to broaden treatment options for my allergy patients but left with a skill set capable of treating concussion, tinnitus, and other difficult conditions. Cynthia, thank you for your patience and offering your vast knowledge and experience. I started treating patients with endonasal technique only one week after taking this course and have already received positive response! Highly recommend signing up for the course if you get the opportunity!
Fellow chiropractors: The only word to describe this technique is PROFOUND. Add it to your battery of techniques. Cynthia is an elite instructor.
I was fortunate enough to be instructed by Cynthia. She is an excellent instructor. I find the skill to be very useful and powerful with my patients. I would highly recommend the class.”
Symptoms : Chronic Sinusitis, Difficulty Breathing, Facial Pain from Teeth Grinding.
Causes: : Car Wreck & 3 separate moderate blows to the head. I made a split second decision to drive 8 hours to get this procedure done (3 times). After the first session, I could instantly breathe better. It’s been a week now, and I’m sleeping better, my sleep apnea is gone. And I am not going through boxes of Kleenex. Overall, I feel more relaxed. Also, my face is more proportionate because my cheekbones appear more full. (Potentially great if you were a first-born child, after long labor and vaginal delivery). The pricing is fair, compared to others charging $900-$2,400 for the exact treatment. This might seem like the most foreign concept one has ever considered but really… it’s like getting an adjustment for your skull. And no, it doesn’t hurt; actually feels quite invigorating. Thanks Cindy!
I will pass on nasal surgery and let Cynthia Stein do her Nasal Release Technique!
I sought out nasal release technique because of sinus congestion, recurrent sinus infections, allergies and sleep apnea. This technique completely eliminated all these problems. I haven’t had a sinus infection in 2 years and I no longer have to wear a C-pap. I highly recommend this work.
I had to simply write you to say thank you! I called you the week of November 28th, just expecting to get a voice mail, and to my surprise you not only answered the phone but you chatted with me for over an hour about the benefits of Nasal Release Therapy. After our conversation, I knew that this was definitely the procedure for me and was determined to find a doctor in Indiana. Otherwise, I was heading to Philly to see you! After finding Dr. Cory Harkins, only 20 minutes from my house, I started receiving the Nasal Specific Technique. I think he was shocked when I asked for this procedure as he’s usually the one suggesting it. He told me that he had only worked on sinus patients for this procedure so if I was willing to be the first concussion patient that he tried this on he would definitely perform the procedure! After living in agony for so long I was willing to try anything, as I’m sure you’ve heard the same from many patients! Plus, after researching everything about this and talking to you, I KNEW this was the way to go!
I’m happy to report that my life has forever been changed for the better as my daily tension headache that I had for over four months has subsided! After the first few treatments my incapacitating, throbbing migraine like headaches that were happening every couple days were no longer near as much. After the fifth treatment, I felt my daily constant headache move and get smaller and continue to do so thereafter! What a strange feeling to have a constant pain that I had for so long in the same location move! At the tenth treatment, I heard the loudest pop, when inserting in the lower portion, and felt instant relief as my headache was completely gone! I was so excited and calling everyone!
Before locating you and this awesome procedure, three medical doctors all told me that I simply needed to rest my brain and there was nothing more that could be done. Two of them advised that I would probably have this headache for over a year. But thanks to you, I was able to find a procedure that worked in only three weeks! It’s been two weeks since my last procedure and I’m feeling fantastic! I’m now waiting for the phone call from my employer telling me that I can go back to work! I spent a week with my family over Christmas and everyone could tell how much better I was doing. They kept telling me that I was definitely back to my old self! I didn’t realize how miserable I must have looked! I knew that I wasn’t being as social, but I was still trying to be positive and keep a smile on my face, even though I felt miserable. I guess nothing gets by family members.
I’m not completely up to par, where I was before my two concussions last summer, but I’m close! I’m still dealing with some light sensitivity issues, slight dizziness when turning my head, and some memory issues. They have all decreased significantly, but hopefully those will soon subside as well. If not, I can manage those.
I can’t wait to see Dr. Harkins this Saturday to let him know how well I’m still feeling! (Obviously, he already knows it since I haven’t been in to see him.)
Thank you again, Cindy, for everything! Words just can’t express to you how truly appreciative I am!
My name is Alysia Bronson and I am a “graduate” of Squirrel Hill Physical Therapy. I say I am graduated because after receiving Craniosacral Therapy treatments, I no longer need to follow-up (although I would not hesitate, should any symptoms return). Let me tell you about my experience.
On January 15, 2010, I fell on the ice in my driveway and suffered a severe concussion. In literally an instant, my life changed so completely that I went from working on my doctoral dissertation to being unable to read, write, walk, or even identify the date. I had three inpatient hospital stays and countless visits to the ER and various doctors, ranging from the UPMC Sports Concussion Clinic, several neurologists, vestibular therapy, and more. I began having seizures that remained unexplained for many months. My family and friends had to provide me with 24/7 care.
After recovering from most of the above disabilities, I was left with a constant headache and some balance problems that would not go away with time or medication. I developed a fear of leaving my house and felt more hopeless and helpless than I ever had in my life. This accident affected me not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
My sister, who lives in Cincinnati, had been begging me to see a craniosacral therapist for 10 months. She and my niece (who has Cerebral Palsy) have been going to craniosacral therapy for years. I was a huge skeptic because I thought no one could help me if the best doctors in Pittsburgh could not. Finally, the emotional and physical pain became so great, that I told my sister I would try anything. She found Squirrel Hill PT on the internet and called them for me. I was relieved to learn that it was covered by my insurance, and agreed to try it.
At that point, I was not even able to drive and had to get rides from Butler to Squirrel Hill from friends and family. I met with Cindy to do the intake and an initial cranio session. I can testify that I left that appointment headache-free. I continued with my appointments approximately 2-3 times per week for about 6 weeks. When mild headaches did crop up from time to time, they were gone when I left the session. I also was cured from all balance problems. I was seizure free and able to drive within one month of my treatment.
I am happy and amazed to report that on January 16th of this year, one year to the date, I successfully returned to work. I will be finished with my PhD within the year and I am able to be a productive member of society and of my family. People who know me and what I have gone through continually ask me, “How did they do it?” I tell them quite honestly that I’m not sure exactly how craiosacrial therapy works, but that I am living proof that it does, in fact, work. My story is probably extreme, and I personally refer to it as a miracle. I just hope that anyone who reads this will take the leap of faith that I did and give Squirrel Hill Physical Therapy a try. I believe that they gave me my life back.
Cynthia has helped me to alleviate sinus inflammation due to chronic allergies and encourage proper physiological function by using nasal release therapy. This technique was new to me as a patient and was able to produce results similar to taking a decongestant in a noninvasive and expedient manner. I encourage anyone with similar issues who have reached the limitation of current medicines or those who prefer alternatives to conventional drug treatments to contact her.. She was a pleasure to receive treatment from and her expertise in physical therapy were a perfect compliment to this technique.
Patient testimony
I was treating a patient with an old head trauma who brought in his cousin to watch the process but also see if I could treat him as well. This cousin has been told he snores and wondered if I could help him. I did the treatment and he told my patient on the way home that he wondered if he always talked so loud. He discovered that his ear was not hearing well and not sure for how long. He had almost immediate better hearing and was shocked how loud he talked. After the second visit he still had not lost the hearing but was breathing much better and felt he was snoring less.
I am seeing great success with the nasal release work
I had a 16 year old with a constant headache for 6 months after her second concussion. The headache was at least ½ after the first treatment and almost gone after the second treatment. I think she was disappointed that she waited so long to take up my offer to have the nasal release treatment done.
Michael Koch PT
Spine and Sport Physical Therapy of Waupaca
1948 Godfrey Drive
Waupaca, WI 54981
Nasal release technique testimony
“NRT has worked wonders for me. If you’re a mouth breather or have problems with apnea/snoring like me this should be your go to treatment. It enables you to breathe through your nose with ease, opens up the airways and releases the soft tissue and joints in your face. It’s great at improving cervical and cranial mobility as well. Worth a shot!”
nasal release technique testimony
“NRT has worked wonders for me. If you’re a mouth breather or have problems with apnea/snoring like me this should be your go to treatment. It enables you to breathe through your nose with ease, opens up the airways and releases the soft tissue and joints in your face. It’s great at improving cervical and cranial mobility as well. Worth a shot!”
Nasal release testimonial
I admit, I was skeptical at first. How would blowing up a balloon in my nose fix my migraines?. Before chiropractic treatment for my migraines, I was taking 25 mg of amitriptyline nightly to keep my headaches down to one a month or less. I felt uneasy about taking the medication because it made me very drowsy and I have small children in the house. We were able to get my dose down to 10 mg per night; however, going lower brought on more headaches than I was able to manage.
Then Dr. Thompson talked to me about nasal release technique. He showed me the video of what to expect and talked to me about the science behind its effectiveness. Because I was considering a pregnancy, I needed to be able to get off of amitriptyline entirely, so he and I agreed to give it a try. We met weekly while I started backing down the dose of my medication.
It’s a strange experience. I describe it as having Pop Rocks in your face. The tiny pops feel a lot like fizzy bubbles from a soda. The discomfort was brief, and soreness usually gone before Dr. Thompson checked in on me a couple hours later.
But the results were stunning. I’ve had only two migraines in 14 weeks. Both were mild and manageable compared to previous experience. I have reduced my amitriptyline dose to 6.25 mg once per week, and will come off it completely in two more weeks, clearing the way for a safe pregnancy without migraines!
The effectiveness of his technique is stunning. I had hoped to be able to have one migraine or fewer each week while not on any medication. I didn’t imagine I would have no migraines on no medication. The results are definitely worth the time, discomfort and cost. I fully recommend it to anyone seeking natural relief without medication for migraines!