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State of Science Symposium at Walter Reed

I attended the State of Science Symposium at Walter Reed at the end of September. It was held at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence. This is where the soldiers with TBI are rehabilitated. The subject was “Caring for Wounded Warriors with TBI.” I was especially interested in hearing about how the military is dealing with this problem. The subjects of talks included TBI as a chronic health condition, employment for Wounded Warriors with TBI, visual endurance after TBI, Ocular and Vestibular Motor issues after TBI. The last talks focused on the rehabilitation following TBI. None of these talks addressed any structural techniques being utilized in TBI rehabilitation. Attending the conference gave me a new list of practitioners dealing with this problem, to contact. If I keep trying, I may just find someone who will be willing to research Nasal Release Technique.

I just completed all my paper work to volunteer at the Human Engineering Research Laboratory at Pitt. This is the organization that sponsors the State of Science Symposium at Walter Reed. Perhaps this connection will lead to something…
Cynthia Stein LPT MEd

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