Dr. Jim McCarty
I just returned from accompanying a patient of mine who suffers from post concussion symptoms to Dallas, Texas, where I had the honor to learn from a very skilled chiropractor named Dr. Jim McCarty as he treated my patient. He has developed a technique that he calls Central Nervous System Restoration (CNSR). This technique takes Nasal Release Technique to a new level. He has developed a system of treating head and mouth positions in relation to the balloon insertions done in Nasal Release Technique. This work essentially releases the cranial sutures by reproducing the specific position that the head was in during the injury. It is my belief the head positions put more tension on the fascial system surrounding the head. This allows for a more complete release of the sutural restrictions that are causing the post concussion symptoms. When the sutures are released, the force of the injury can come out of the head. This helps to restore normal brain chemistry; ultimately, there is better fluid and hormonal movement through the brain. I will use this technique in conjunction with what I have been doing for my patients.
On a personal note, being in Dallas last week brought us into the hotbed of the chaos going on now in our country. It made me appreciate all the more how important our safety is to our emotional and physical well being. My prayers go out to all the people that have been affected by this violence.
Cynthia Stein LPT, MEd