60 Minutes segment on concussion
The segment discussed former Pittsburgh Steeler Milke Webster, who died suddenly in 2002. Prior to his death, Webster had struggled with depression, mood disorder, cognitive and intellectual impairments. His brain was studied by a forensic pathologist named Dr. Bennett Omalu. On first examination Webster’s brain looked normal. When tissue samples were examined, it was found to have large accumulations of tau protein. This protein causes damage in the brain called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy which affects mood, emotions and executive functioning similar to Alzheimers disease. He went on to study other NFL football players brains and found the same thing. It wasn’t until 2009 that the NFL finally acknowledged the link between concussion and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Dr. Omalu has also found this protein in the brains of veterans that suffer from PTSD. These are the reasons why structural work needs to be done on the heads of patients- post concussion. Nasal Release Technique, Craniosacral Therapy and Neuromeningeal Manipulation are three wonderful techniques that address the forces that have gone into the head. I am hoping that since concussion is such a hot topic, that these techniques will be researched to prove the effectiveness of skilled hands on work. A movie starring Will Smith Playing Dr. Omalu is coming out in December, 2015.