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Lymphatic Vessels Discovered in the Brain

It was always thought that there were no lymphatic vessels in the brain. In June of 2015, specialized imaging identified lymphatic vessels in the brain. It has changed the way I treat post concussed brains. Lymphatic drainage is very important to be done immediately after the injury to clear the inflamatory response to the trauma.…

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Plants and herbs found that reduce tau plaque in the brain

Upon doing more research I have found other plants that are very good in reducing tau plaque in the brain. Here they are: curcumin, bayberry root bark, grape seed extract, sage, red sage, Chinese Yew, olive oil, emodin (isolated from the root and rhizome of rhubarb), and young coconut juice.The steroid glycoside ginsenoside Rd from…

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Another Chiropractor Learns Nasal Release Technique

I just taught Dr. Greg Bark from Massapequa New York a private class in my office yesterday, He is a very skilled chiropractor who continuously is training himself in new techniques. He decided to learn Nasal Release Technique because he knew it would be a wonderful asset to his CranioSacral Therapy skills. Greg, it was…

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Olive Leaf Extract found effective in acute brain injuries.

I just discovered a supplement which is effective in neuroprotection. It is called Olive Leaf Extract. In acute brain injuries, damaging processes such as oxidative stress occurs within minutes of the event. This leads to tau protein lying down in the brain which eventually can cause neurocognitive symptoms. Olive Leaf Extract has been shown to…

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Chronic Sinusitis and Breathing Difficulties

Nasal Release technique is a very effective procedure to do on people suffering from chronic sinusitis and breathing difficulties. I have seen my patients get better after 3 treatments. Inflating a finger cot in the nasal passages reduces pressure and pain, allowing increased sinus and nasal drainage. Ultimately the technique expands the nasal passages by…

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60 Minutes does a segment on concussion and PTSD

The segment discussed former Pittsburgh Steeler Milke Webster, who died suddenly in 2002. Prior to his death, Webster had struggled with depression, mood disorder, cognitive and intellectual impairments. His brain was studied by a forensic pathologist named Dr. Bennett Omalu. On first examination Webster’s brain looked normal. When tissue samples were examined, it was found…

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